Escape to the Wilderness for
Vacation Bible School!
A summer family event called “Wilderness Escape: Where God Guides and Provides” will be hosted at Cross Life Community and online on June 19-20, 26,27 and July 3. Families step back in time at Wilderness Escape, exploring some of the adventures faced by Moses and the Israelites. Kids and adults participate at the Israelite Camp, sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games, dig into Bible-times snacks, visit Moses, and collect Bible Memory Makers to remind them of God’s Word. Plus, everyone learns to look for evidence of God all around them through something called God Sightings. Each day concludes at Celebration—a time of upbeat worship that gets everyone involved.
Kids and adults at Wilderness Escape VBS will join nearly a million participants reaching out to needy kids through a hands-on mission project called Operation Kid-to-Kid, in which families will raise money to provide alpacas to families in Ecuador.
Wilderness Escape VBS will run on June 19-20, 26, 27 and July 3. Saturday online 9am-10am and in person 11am-12pm for games/crafts. Sundays will be online from 1-2pm.
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